Jumat, 30 Maret 2018

EQUI - Crypto With Traditional Venture Capital

What is EQUI ???

EQUI is the exciting unification of a new cryptocurrency with an innovative investment platform. Built on Ethereum Blockchain technology, EQUI is set to disrupt the traditional venture investment market empowering the crypto community to join the next generation of venture capital investors.

EQUI will source high-calibre investment opportunities in real world assets, next generation technology companies, and ventures with the capability of revolutionising markets. EQUI will champion innovators and support them by providing extensive business knowledge, guidance and insight to enable their venture to flourish.

EQUI is the fusion of a new cryptocurrency with a revolutionary investment platform built

on blockchain technology visit Website : https://www.equi.capital/ more information.

The EQUI proposition offers participants both flexibility and control in the making of investment decisions. EQUItokens can be bought for various reasons: 

Investors are those participants who commit EQUItokens to the EQUI platform and apply their tokens to projects. The level of commitment is completely flexible and is determined by the investor’s appetite in a particular project. Investors will receive 75% (pro-rata) of the net profits* generated from projects they invest in.

As a further reward mechanism, Investors will participate in the EQUItoken loyalty program. This will involve the transfer of bonus tokens annually to Investors and Holders.

EQUItokens applied to an investment will be sold to raise fiat currency. The rate of exchange will be fixed at the market rate on the day of investment. On sale of the investment, returns will be made in ETH to the Investor’s EQUI wallet.

Holders are those participants who transfer their EQUItokens to the EQUI platform but have yet to commit their tokens to projects. Holders will participate in the EQUI loyalty program, so long as their tokens remain on the EQUI platform.

Traders are participants whose EQUItokens sit outside of the EQUI platform. They have no access to the investment opportunities or the EQUI loyalty program and benefit only from any enhancement in the token price. A Trader can decide to move EQUItokens back onto the EQUI platform for investment or to hold in their EQUI wallet.


EQUI’s vision is to bring venture capital into the modern technological era. It will allow individuals to combine forces and participate in an investment sector that has been traditionally reserved for institutions and ultra high net worth individuals.

EQUI Capital

Venture Capital

Venture capital is a form of financing that is provided by individuals, firms, or institutions to small, early-stage, emerging companies that are deemed to have high growth potential but don’t have access to equity markets. Such investments are generally classified as higher risk as the companies are less developed, and capital invested is often illiquid. However, when the right ventures are selected, these companies are capable of providing impressive returns visit ANN Thread : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2888110.new#new more information.

There are different stages of venture capital investment:


Backed by a board of successful and visionary entrepreneurs, EQUI uses its collective connectivity and vast global network to identify innovative entrepreneurs and ventures who would excel from the injection of not just capital but also operational and strategic expertise.


The EQUI team provides mentorship, resource, operational support and strategic advice to enable ambitious entrepreneurial companies to grow and succeed. This invaluable input helps transform great ideas into reality; building successful enterprises that generate accelerated capital returns for all stakeholders.


EQUI believes blockchain technology will revolutionise businesses and lifestyles of the future. Using blockchain technology, the EQUI platform will showcase these opportunities and allow investors to participate in the next generation of successful companies.

The Purpose of EQUI ?

EQUI aims to promote and represent diverse entrepreneurs and investments from across the world who need a gateway to funding and exposure. Our platform will promote a mixture of business sectors with a leaning towards technology, whether that be e-commerce, fintech, data, SaaS or biotechnology. As a blockchain based platform we are particularly interested in helping blockchain grow through support of burgeoning new applications. EQUI will work with businesses of all sizes with differing aims and objectives. Providing a combination of traditional and alternative equity investment will enable our EQUItoken community to diversify their portfolios with a blend of projects visit Telegram : https://t.me/equicapital more information.

EQUI Platform

Token Distribution 

The distribution of EQUItokens focuses on creating long term value for investors:

  • 65% of the tokens will be made available to the public via the pre-sale and ICO process. 
  • 12% will be distributed to the EQUI Founders, subject to a six month lock-in period. 
  • 15% will be distributed to the EQUI Team, quarterly, over a two year period, subject to a six month lock-in period. 
  • 6% will be distributed to the Advisory Board quarterly, over a two year period, subject to a six month lock-in period. 
  • 2% will be available for Bounty Rewards. 

ICO Funding Distribution


Details information : 

Website : https://www.equi.capital/

Whitepaper : https://www.equi.capital/whitepaper/EQUI_Whitepaper_050218.pdf

Facebook : https://web.facebook.com/equi.capital?_rdc=1&_rdr

Twitter : https://twitter.com/equi_capital

Telegram : https://t.me/equicapital

ANN Thread : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2888110.new#new

Author : araalfaris

Profile Bitcointalk : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1116890

ETH : 0xD21b7600ff11bEfB00dff92252a16A2f2fdBF71a

Selasa, 27 Maret 2018

Fixy Network-Aplikasi berbasis blockchain yang memfasilitasi penggunaan cryptocurrency dalam kehidupan sehari-hari

Halo semuanya, untuk pertemuan ini saya akan memperkenalkan kepada Anda semua platfrom baru yang disebut Fixy Network.Untuk mempersingkat waktu, mari kita lihat penjelasannya seperti di bawah ini.

Cryptocurrency dan teknologi blockchain tetap yang paling mengganggu dan revolusioner
teknologi abad ke-21. Sejak penciptaan inovatif Bitcoin oleh si misterius
Satoshi Nakamoto lebih dari 3500 Cryptocurrency lainnya telah dibuat. Ini dihasilkan dari
keberhasilan Bitcoin itu sendiri. Cryptocurrency diciptakan untuk mengubah dan merevolusi
dunia keuangan seperti yang kita kenal, dan teknologi blockchain diciptakan untuk melayani sebagai mekanisme validasi. Sejak itu, teknologi tersebut telah diterapkan tidak hanya pada sektor keuangan keuangan tetapi juga untuk industri lain seperti minyak dan gas, real estat, pendidikan, obat-obatan dan bahkan hukum, hanya untuk menyebutkan beberapa ANN Thread:  https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3084108.0 untuk informasi selanjutnya.

Namun, terlepas dari sifat cryptocurrency yang mengganggu, dan manfaatnya yang tak ternilai dan aplikasi potensial, masih terbatas, di bawah unit, dan sangat mudah berubah. Alasannya untuk underutilization hanya karena tidak memiliki kegunaan nyata dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.Kurangnya penggunaan sehari-hari adalah salah satu faktor yang membuat cryptocurrency sangat mudah berubah, pelanggan dan perusahaan jarang bisa gunakan Cryptocurrency untuk transaksi. Oleh karena itu, sulit untuk nilainya menjadi stabil, terlepas dari itu keuntungan.

Memperkenalkan Fixy App, aplikasi berbasis blockchain yang akan memfasilitasi penggunaan cryptocurrency dalam kehidupan sehari-hari biasa. Fixy App adalah solusi blockchain, dari cryptocurrency penggemar pemula cryptocurrency. Solusinya adalah Mmemberikan beberapa manfaat kepada pengguna seperti, memonetisasi Cryptocurrency mereka dan dapat dibayar baik dalam FIAT dan cryptocurrency ketika mereka menjual barang dan jasa mereka.

Tentang Fixy ???

Fixy Network (FIXY)

Fixy Network memungkinkan orang untuk menggunakan cryptocurrency dalam kehidupan sehari-hari mereka. Jaringan akan mencakup pasar yang terdesentralisasi dan pertukaran OTC terdesentralisasi. Kami menyediakan Kartu Hadiah Fixy, yang akan tersedia di setiap sudut toko dan dijual dalam akses mudah FIAT.

Mengapa Anda Memilih Kami

The Fixy Network menyatukan pelanggan dan pengecer yang tertarik menggunakan cryptocurrency untuk transaksi. Di sini peserta baru dapat masuk ke dunia cryptocurrency dengan membeli kartu hadiah Fixy yang akan dijual di toko yang disetujui di seluruh dunia. Kartu pengguna baru akan dikreditkan segera setelah mereka melalui proses "tahu pelanggan Anda" yang sangat cepat sementara saldo pengguna yang ada akan dimuat langsung ke dompet mereka. Dengan kata lain, ide umum dari pasar Fixy adalah untuk menghubungkan pengguna dan mitra melalui.

Bagaimana Fixy Network  bekerja?

Fixy Network membawa cryptocurrency populer dan pengecer sebagai mitra dengan manfaat dari blockchain. Toko Mitra akan menerima:

● Bitcoin
● Bitcoin Cash
● Ethereum
● Litecoin

Fixy Network Partner adalah pengecer yang menjual Kartu Hadiah dan anggota dari Jaringan Fixy. Keanggotaan dan biaya iklan mereka akan dibayar dengan Token Fixy.

Manfaat Aplikasi Fixy 
  • Aplikasi Fixy menyediakan cara pintas untuk penggemar cryptocurrency pemula untuk memasuki dunia cryptocurrency dengan membuatnya mudah dan aman bagi investor untuk memonetisasi Cryptocurrency mereka. 
  • Aplikasi Fixy memungkinkan perusahaan dan ICO untuk menjangkau lebih banyak pelanggan, merek untuk menjual lebih banyak dan mendapatkan bayaran baik dalam cryptocurrency dan fiat.
  • Aplikasi Fixy memiliki pasar peer to peer terdesentralisasi dan pertukaran OTC terdesentralisasi. 
  • Fixy akan menawarkan kartu hadiah yang akan tersedia di setiap toko jaringan Fixy dan akan dijual dalam fiat.
  • Pengguna akan dapat mengakses fitur seperti perdagangan OTC untuk cryptocurrency, emas, dan perak dalam aplikasi. 
  • Pencari toko di aplikasi Fixy juga akan mempermudah pengguna untuk menemukan toko Fixy terdekat untuk mereka.
Fitur utama dari Fixy Network


Kartu Hadiah yang disediakan oleh Fixy akan memberikan kesempatan kepada orang-orang untuk masuk ke dunia cryptocurrency tanpa melalui proses verifikasi yang tidak perlu yang membutuhkan waktu lebih lama dari yang seharusnya. Pembelian Kartu Hadiah akan disediakan oleh Toko yang diverifikasi oleh Fixy dan akan mudah ditemukan menggunakan Pencari Toko kami. Kartu Hadiah akan dijual oleh uang FIAT, yang akan memungkinkan untuk didepositkan pada Aplikasi Fixy di mana pengguna dapat menggunakan jumlah ini di Exchange yang didesentralisasi dan Marketplace yang terdesentralisasi.


Fitur perdagangan Fixy OTC sepenuhnya terdesentralisasi. Fitur perdagangan OTC dari Fixy akan membiarkan pengguna bertukar Cryptocurrency baik dalam cryptocurrency dan uang FIAT tanpa biaya yang dibebankan oleh Fixy. Untuk menjadi bagian dari dunia cryptocurrency, orang perlu berinvestasi dalam koin dengan nilai FIAT, tetapi platform pertukaran yang menyediakan layanan ini memiliki biaya yang membuat transaksi ini lebih mahal daripada biasanya. Biaya ini membuat mustahil bagi investor kecil untuk bergabung dengan dunia cryptocurrency. Lebih dari itu, platform pertukaran terpusat biasanya memiliki batasan pada volume cryptocurrency yang dapat dibeli pengguna. Namun, dengan OTC Trading yang terdesentralisasi, Fixy akan menyediakan jalan pintas untuk investasi dalam cryptocurrency. Pertukaran terus-menerus di bawah serangan cyber yang menciptakan risiko besar bagi para investor. Bahkan, menarik investasi Anda dari pertukaran membutuhkan waktu yang lama. Terlepas dari risiko serangan cyber dan penantian panjang yang melibatkan ketika menarik diri dari pertukaran, pengguna terkadang tidak dapat mengakses akun mereka karena pemeliharaan yang berarti mereka tidak akan dapat menjual investasi mereka tepat waktu. Di sisi lain, investor OTC Trading menyimpan dompet mereka sendiri yang cenderung tidak diretas dibandingkan dengan pertukaran.


Fitur "Pencari Toko" akan memungkinkan pengguna memeriksa lingkungannya untuk menemukan toko yang diterima Fixy tempat pengguna dapat membeli barang menggunakan Fixy. Juga, fitur ini akan memfasilitasi perdagangan cryptocurrency, karena pengguna akan dapat menggunakannya untuk menemukan cryptocurrency favorit mereka dan pedagang lain yang ingin menjual atau membeli.


Kritik utama terhadap cryptocurrency oleh para ahli dan investor adalah bahwa investasi cryptocurrency hampir tidak berguna untuk kehidupan sehari-hari. Pasar Fixy mengubah hal-hal ketika menyatukan dan mengatur perusahaan di satu sisi (perusahaan pada platform disebut sebagai mitra) dan di sisi lain, menyatukan pelanggan (pelanggan disebut sebagai pengguna di platform). Pasar swasta fixy adalah jaringan untuk dunia cryptocurrency, di mana setiap orang dapat hadir. Pasar perdagangan fixy adalah jaringan untuk perusahaan Mitra yang telah membayar biaya masuk di Token Fixy untuk menjadi bagian dari platform untuk menjual dan membuat iklan pembuatan iklan.

Kami akan menciptakan solusi pasar hibrida di mana penjual dapat memasang produk seperti mobil atau kamar hotel sewa, pada dasarnya setiap barang yang dapat dijual atau disewa. Pembayaran untuk produk tersebut adalah 60% uang tunai dan 40% cryptocurrency. Misalnya, di mana harga jual suatu produk adalah $ 400, 60% dari $ 400 itu akan dibayarkan oleh pembeli secara tunai sementara 40% sisanya (BTC, BCC, ETH, LTC) akan dibayar dalam cryptocurrency. Dasar pemikiran di balik ini adalah untuk melindungi pembeli dan penjual terhadap dan penjual terhadap volatilitas cryptocurrency. Kami akan bekerja dengan bursa pihak ketiga di mana akun pedagang akan disediakan dan mereka dapat mencairkan secara langsung.


Jaringan fixy juga menggunakan kontrak pintar untuk membuat kesepakatan, dalam hal ini, token fixy akan digunakan untuk pembayaran. Di sisi lain, pengguna dapat melakukan perdagangan OTC tanpa kontrak cerdas dengan menggunakan layanan pesan gratis dan aman kami. Fitur kedua ini akan memiliki sistem skor kepercayaan di mana pengguna dapat meninggalkan ulasan dan peringkat pada sifat pengalaman mereka saat berdagang dengan pengguna lain.



Distribusi ICO


Peta jalan



Sebanyak cryptocurrency dan blockchain telah datang untuk merevolusi dan mengganggu hampir
setiap industri, telah gagal mencapai potensi penuh yang diadopsi secara umum. Dengan memanfaatkan pasar crypto dan OTC trading, aplikasi Fixy telah mengubah situasi ini dengan
efisien memfasilitasi penggunaan dan penerapan cryptocurrency dan teknologi blockchain di
kehidupan sehari-hari kita. Dengan aplikasi Fixy, kita akhirnya bisa menyadari adopsi cryptocurrency di seluruh dunia.Aplikasi fixy memfasilitasi masuk ke dunia cryptocurrency oleh pedagang dan pelanggan sama, tanpa prosedur yang sulit mereka biasanya harus melalui Dapat mengunjungi twitter di bawah ini :  https://twitter.com/fixy_app

Silakan Kunjungi Informasi Lebih Lanjut dibawah ini :

Situs web:  https://fixyapp.io/

Whitepaper:  https://fixyapp.io/whitepaper.pdf

Twitter:  https://twitter.com/fixy_app

Telegram:  https://t.me/fixynetwork

ANN Thread:  https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3084108.0

Nama pengguna:  araalfaris

Profil Bitcointalk:  https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1116890

ETH: 0xD21b7600ff11bEfB00dff92252a16A2f2fdBF71a


Retail ecommerce sales will increase from $1.095 trillion in 2016 to $4.058 trillion in 2020, making up 14.6% of total retail spending in that year . Unique cryptocurrency wallet user base has grown to over 5.8 Million unique users in 2017 , excluding wallets held in exchanges which may contribute even higher numbers.

Between Bitcoin and Ethereum alone there are over 31 Million unique wallets and the total cryptocurrency market capitalization exceeded $160 Billion in October 2017.

These trends prove that the adoption of tokens and cryptocurrency as a unit of stored value is rapidly becoming mainstream. In a decentralised economy, democratising (rather than concentrating) ownership via incentives creates value.

What is CashBag?

CashBag.co is a transactional cash back aggregator that rewards customers with cash back when they shop at participating merchants.

The site launched publicly in 2016 and has 135,000 members and over 500 merchants.


The purpose of the token sale is to enable instant settlement of cash back rewards by leveraging the Ethereum Blockchain for settlement.

There are several distinct advantages to implementing ERC20 tokens for instant settlement, including lowered cost of operations, immutable record keeping and global reach and adoption.

CashBag is creating the CBC Token (CashBagCoin) which is used to reward members for transacting through the platform and enable advertisers to instantly reward members for approved transactions.

Customers earn the CBC tokens by engaging with advertising & transacting online. Advertising services are sold through the redemption of tokens. These tokens are earned by the members who transact with merchants through the platform.

Token Issue

CashBag operates in multiple global markets. We have a roster of over 150 active advertisers, with more than 685 in the queue for integration. We expect to expand to include 2500 merchants by Q2 2018 as we enter more territories.
  • Members earn cash rewards when shopping online at participating merchants. These cash rewards are paid by the merchant and tracked by CashBag through our sale tracking integration with each merchant. New members select from a base set of currencies including USD, EUR, AUD, GBP, ZAR with support for more currencies being added as we enter new markets.
  • Members can earn CashBag sponsored incentives based on their activity, transaction volume and social sharing of the platform. By integrating our wallet to blockchain settlement we create a mechanism to speed up cash back settlement and incentivize our members by allocating them a token with a real world supported value which can be traded, redeemed and used across any ERC20 wallet supporting partner.
  • Members can opt to receive their cashback in their native currency or convert at ruling market price to CashBag Tokens and store their savings in our ERC20 compliant wallet. Similarly, they can cash in their CashBag Tokens and receive fiat payments in their native currency.

Token Use

Token Sale 

CashBag is conducting a Token Sale for advertisers & early adopters of the
technology, issuing 120M tokens and intends selling tokens to the value of $15M with a maximum cap of $30M.

CashBag will accept CBC tokens for CashBag advertising services at the minimum issue price of 0,000166666 ETH per token (6000 tokens / ETH).


Core CashBag.co Application Development and Alpha MVP
BizDev secures initial +100 merchant partners
Beta development & live site launch.

CashBag Soft Launch South Africa
Organic growth to 180 merchants
Development Continues
Platform supporting Multicurrency Wallet Development
Desktop toolbar Development

Q1-Q3 2017
Stage 1 Targeted Customer Acquisition (EMEA / USA / APAC)
Investigate high yield focus markets for expansion marketing plan.
Android App Launch
Merchant base growth to +500
User adoption growth to 130,000 members
Scale staffing, systems and business processes
Planning for product evolution to decentralized architecture and blockchain implementation.
Tokenonomics finalization & implementation research.
Build MVP advertiser smart contracts.

Q4 2017
Token sale architecture & smart contract development including token buyer/ member wallet launch.

Q1 2018
Advertiser Transactional Advertising & Member Wallet Integration
Launch Advertiser Self Service Portal including wallet enabling token-to-advertising transaction processing and currency = CB swaps through smart contracts.
Launch expanded member interface showing token values, cash and cash equivalent values and tools for executing swaps, redemptions and withdrawals.

Q2 2018
MarketPlace & Core Market Expansion
Launch CashBag marketplace, integrating merchant data feeds with 150,000 distinct products.
Launch AI Natural Language UX independent shopping assistant
Stage 2 Targeted Customer Acquisition (EMEA / AUS / NZ)

Q3 2018
Native Ad Engine
Launch ad engine including audience targeting, ad creation and redemption of CBC for advertising spend using smart contracts to execute advertising buys on the platform
Stage 3 Targeted Customer Acquisition (US / CA)

Q2 2019
Launch Debit Card
Launch linked Debit Card in US Market, with other markets to follow

Extend marketplace to enable members to list and sell their own goods in a secure, high trust environment using smart contracts to execute and guarantee transactions and delivery.
Add Social Tools, enabling direct peer-to-peer (member-to-member) communication & transactions, including gamification elements to drive adoption, usage and social sharing of the platform, merchants and products featured on it.
As cashbag evolves we envision the service becoming an invaluable and trusted part of members everyday life.


Details Information : 

Telegram : http://t.me/cashbag

Author : araalfaris

Eth : 0xD21b7600ff11bEfB00dff92252a16A2f2fdBF71a

Sabtu, 24 Maret 2018

Betex-Peer to peer binary options platform

Hasil gambar untuk bounty Betex

Betex is a leading-edge platform for P2P financial derivatives trading. It enables users to place bets on future changes against each other.

Betex is on a mission to bring clear-cut transparency to all financial markets and, that can conclusively eliminate the issue of trust.

First and foremost, though, we strive to reinvent binary options through instilling incorruptible business logic into everybody‘s value system.

Solutions and Benefits

▸Outcome of a bet makes no difference to us (as the platform provider), or to brokers, as neither of us can actively take part in the betting process. We charge service fees, while traders place bets against each other (peer-to-peer).
▸ No deposits are required and an instant automatic withdrawal of funds is ensured. It is mainly possible due to the use of smart contracts.
▸ Traders who accurately determine future changes are rewarded with 95% of funds. In case of success, trader‘s gain largely depends on the ratio of the correct and incorrect outcomes;
▸ Both the platform and brokers can always prove authenticity and accuracy of the results. In the worst case scenario, if a mistake is made, it will be admitted or justified. Hence, it is no longer needed to trust each other to be sure terms are fair.
▸ Trading is realized with ERC-20 tokens of stable value. It is stored and presented in the Ethereum blockchain, making it possible to audit the platform operations in real time, or later. Open access to data prevents intermediaries from altering results;
▸ 50% of the platform's profit made from commission is distributed among BETEX token holders. 40% goes to brokers.
▸A composite rate, used in all calculations, is derived from several open sources by an established algorithm, considering the value of each source that is defined by trading volume. Using multiple sources makes entangles possible manipulations with the rate of an underlying asset, since they would have to be done in several places simultaneously. Working out of the composite rate is a
completely open and transparent process: it is being logged and presented for public access in real time.

Betex Ecosystem

Basically, you can access and interact with Betex ecosystem, being a:
▸ Trader
▸ Investor
▸ Broker

1.Betex for Traders (Bettors)

Users can access and interact with Betex via:
▸ Web-based interface — ready;
▸ Mobile applications — in development;
▸ Desktop applications — in development;

2.Betex for investors

Investors can interact with the platform through their personal dashboard where both platform‘s general and investor's personal statistics will be stored. After the main BETEX Token Sale (01.03.2018-31.03.2018) BETEX token holders will be receiving their share of the platform's profit made on commission (see section 7.3 for details). Number of tokens they own will directly definem their share of the aggregate amount of distribution made to token holders.

3.Betex for Brokers

In the first quarter of 2018, brokers will be offered a ready-to-use solution allowing engaging with the
platform by a known White Label principal. In other words, it will be possible to quickly implement
all the mechanisms and systems of our platform with a broker‘s own domain and user base. Also, Betex Lab Limited, as a developer of the platform, will provide consultations and technical support.

Betex Token

BETEX is the main token in the system. 50% of the platform‘s commission income is distributed
among BETEX token holders in ETH. BETEX is issued once in the amount of 10,000,000 tokens.
After that, its quantity remains constant. Two pre-sale rounds of BETEX token sale under the SAFT (Simple Agreement for Future Tokens) are successfully completed. The profit received between the launch of the platform and the actual distribution of BETEX tokens, will be accumulated on the public Ethereum address and will be distributed among BETEX token holders during 2 weeks or less, after the distribution event is over. Distribution of BETEX tokens is planned to take place in April of 2018,Please visit https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2518678

Betex ICO
  • Betex token  Start of ICO: 01.03.18 at 12:00 GMT
  • End of ICO: 31.03.18 or 3,000,000 of BETEX tokens are sold out
  • ICO BETEX token price: $3.00
  • Max amount of tokens to be sold: 3,000,000 out of 10,000,000 (30%)
  • ICO hard cap: $ 9,000,000
  • Min purchase amount: 0.5 ETH or 0.05 BTC
Distribution of the Common Pool

The Betex platform earns on commissions from each transaction (bet). The commission is 5% of the
amount of each transaction (bet). The distribution of the total amount of transaction (bet) funds,
including the commission income, is presented below.
▸ 95% of the turnover will form the reward fund for traders. These funds will be paid out to traders
automatically, once each round is over.
▸ 2.5% of the total platform turnover will be distributed among the holders of BETEX tokens,
according to the number of tokens they own.
▸ 2.0% will be granted to the brokers, connected to our platform. Payments for the referrals will be
deducted from broker‘s commission.
▸ 0.3% will go to the permanent contributions to the project‘s development fund. A year after the
commercial launch, the project should break even.
▸ 0.2% of the platform‘s turnover will be transferred to the reserve fund. Its regular refill (from
each transaction) will cover unexpected costs, if they arise.

Betex tokens distribution

Our Team
  • Oleg Torkhov,Co-founder & CEO
  • Mykhailo Tiutin,Co-founder & CTO
  • Mykhailo Savchuk,Blockchain & Back-end Developer
  • Oleksii Koshlatyi,DevOPs & Infrastructure
  • Oleksandr Babichev,Front-end Dev
  • Iana Gyzhytska,Content Strategist & Writer
  • Evgeny Zhytnyuk,Community Manager
  • Anatolii Kucheruk,Smart Contract Developer
  • Kostiantyn Kliuiev,PM/PO at BETEX
  • Scott Douglas,Business Strategy Advisor
  • Kos Chekanov,Design Advisor
  • Alexandr Kerya,Marketing Advisor
  • Alexandru Radulescu,Trading Advisor
  • Matyas Zaborszky,Strategic Advisor
  • Steve Good,Business Strategy and Digital Marketing Advisor
  • Vladimir Nikitin,ICO Advisor

2017 Q4
╶ Launch and testing of the p2p binary options platform (MVP) in the test net;
╶ Pre-sale of BETEX tokens in accordance with SAFT or similar agreements;
╶ Audit of the platform‘s smart contracts;
╶ Web interface design of the section for p2p sports betting;

 2018 Q1
╶ Addressing special regulatory/licensing requirements that may be applicable in the relevant
╶ Commercial launch of Betex, the p2p binary options platform;
╶ Development of the available trading pairs list;
╶ Launch and testing of the MVP‘s section for p2p sports betting in the test net;
╶ Development and testing of the mobile app for Android/iOS;
╶ Development and testing of the desktop client application;
╶ Development of a section with statistics;
╶ Development of a personal cabinet for BETEX token holders;

 2018 Q2
╶ Commercial launch of the section for p2p sports betting;
╶ Connection of the first brokers to the platform;
╶ Development of an API for trading bots;
╶ Launch of the mobile app for Android/iOS;
╶ Running the desktop client application;
╶ Generation of BETEX tokens;
╶ Distribution of BETEX tokens among pre-sale participants;
╶ Distribution of the accumulated profit among owners of BETEX tokens;

2018 Q3
╶ Compliance with regulatory/licensing requirements that may be applicable in the relevant
jurisdictions to the main stage of BETEX token sale;
╶ The main stage of BETEX token sale;
╶ Development and connection of the FIX API;
╶ Development of the section for p2p betting on irregular events;

 2018 Q4
╶ Network scaling and/or transfer to a more efficient blockchain;
╶ Launch of the section for p2p betting on irregular events;

2019 Q1
╶ Global market expansion & adaptation;
╶ Project‘s break even.


Our team has developed what it believes to be the most honest, transparent and attractive type of binary options for users, which will restore the lost confidence in this derivative and bring its popularity to a new level. In the nearest future, we aim to make it possible to use transparent peer-to-peer binary options for the most popular cryptocurrency pairs.

Details Information : 

Author : araalfaris

Eth Address Wallet : 0xD21b7600ff11bEfB00dff92252a16A2f2fdBF71a

Jumat, 23 Maret 2018

StealthCrypto - The largest decentralized, incentivized, self-sustainable, quantum mesh network based on blockchain technology.

About StealthCrypto™

Quantum Cyber Security for a new age of communications – We are developing the largest decentralized, incentivized, self-sustainable, quantum mesh network based on blockchain technology. Using proprietary, end-to-end Dynamic Split Encryption™, Dynamic Split GeoDistribution™”, and quantum number generation, quantum key distribution and authentication. The Ultimate in Quantum Secure Cryptography for data protection, as well as blockchain, communications, smart city platforms, IoT and banking. The Team is creating a single Quantum Secure Digital Identity (QSDI) ecosystem that will be far superior than any existing ID systems, that is secure, private and available on demand visit https://www.stealthcrypto.io/ more information.

StealthCrypto™ and the Stealth Grid™ development team prides ourselves on strong technical expertise and unique market knowledge, with 2/3 of employees working in R&D, including an international team of security experts and a number of world renowned cryptographers.

StealthCrypto™ gives our users enormous power over his or her privacy and call anywhere in the world with Wi-Fi or data. Stealth Grid aims to decentralize mobile communication with technologies that enable smart phones to communicate without relying on centralized infrastructures using our decentralized our Quantum mesh network – a first of its kind in the telecommunications industry.” All phones feature a built-in privacy control center giving users full control of access and functions of their phone. StealthCrypto™ phone will be the most secure phone on the market and every app must be approved and downloaded from a secure StealthCrypto™ page.

Business Model
StealthCrypto™ has the experience and the expertise to protect your data using next-generation decentralized blockchain security technology to help defend against emerging challenges in an evolving threat landscape. Our high-performance network encryption for long-term data protection Quantum key generation and quantum key distribution

StealthCrypto™ makes cloud storage, IoT , and communications secure, and faster with StealthCrypto’s patented StealthCrypto™.

The StealthCrypto™ Ecosystem will:

  • Create the network 
  • Expand the network 
  • Sell the network 
  • Own the network 
  • Share the network 
  • Build the network 
  • Be the network 
Value Creation
Mesh networks have many advantages, with a lack of scalability so far being a limiting factor in applicability. With the increase of the number of nodes with the growth of a mesh network, functionality of the network is often compromised. This drag occurs because of both protocol overhead and the inability to offload packet congestion. In some circumstances protocol overhead disproportionately grows relative to the overhead of carrying the data itself. Collisions, timeouts and a full halt to all packet routing can occur. 

These scaling p These scaling problems are almost impossible to overcome in a standard mesh network because there are no alternate pathways or protocols to relieve the congestion. In particular, a regular stand-alone mesh network operating with a single protocol over a single spot on the radio spectrum will simply not scale well. On the contrary, the StealthCrypto™ mesh network was conceived as a robust global network without these traditional mesh technology limitations. In this respect, StealthCrypto™ Network displays the following features https://www.stealthcrypto.io/assets/images/pdf/whitepaper.pdf?pdf=View-Whitepaper

Various license levels:

• Personal 
• SMB 
• Corporate 
• Fortune 500 
• Fortune 100 
• Distributor 
• Customized

Products Ready For Market

Stealth Grids™ Trust Center has a suite of unified, encrypted communication products ready for market that will be activated by the StealthCrypto™ token. Current market ready products include, IM, cloud storage and file sharing, email, voice, and video conferencing that use our proprietary Quantum cyber security technology, StealthCrypto™, as well as “AI Cyber Security™”. Using our patented , Dynamic end-to-end, Split Encryption™, Dynamic Split GeoDistribution™”, and quantum authentication technology for data protection, blockchain, communications, smart city platforms, IoT and banking. Stealth Grid™ is building an incentive based quantum mesh network that will radicalize present infrastructure based on our Qubit blockchain.

Quantum Mest Networks

The StealthCrypto Cloud™ NAS System is fully decentralized, with files distributed and stored all over the world, on different containers. This allows the network to be robust to attacks, with no central point of weakness. StealthCrypto Cloud™ NAS with an embedded wifi router container that connects to peer-to-peer cloud storage, telecommunications, communications, IOT connections, mining, and powered by StealthCrypto™ incentive based Ecosystem. The system will Delivered Quantum Entropy engine, quantum key generation, key distribution and authentication.

In short StealthCrypto™ Utility Tokens will: 

• Be the payment mechanism for accessing and using services and products on the StealthCrypto™      Ecosystem 
• StealthCrypto™ Phone
• NAS Units 
• Insurance 
• Portions of subsequent payments paid to providers by users 
• Mining transaction fees paid to the infrastructure owners 
• Pay for transaction fees.

StealthCrypto™ transactions will consist 
  • Offered and purchased services and products 
  • Participation in the Quantum mesh network 
  • Qubit Blockchain 
  • Insurance 
  • Portions of subsequent payments paid to providers by users 
  • StealthCrypto™ smartphone and monthly services 
  • Transaction fees paid to the infrastructure owners

3.1 Total token supply: 200,000,000 
100,000,000 tokens for Stage 1 Token Crowdsale 

Pre Tokens Sale to start on January 28, 2018. The initial token price (ICO) will be set at a minimum of Sl .00, or present market value above Sl .00, when ICO launches April 18, 2018. 
100,000,000 tokens will be reserved for Stage 2 Token Crowdsale (50% of total).

Stage 2 will happen no sooner than 2020, and all tokens will be sold at market price, not at a fixed Sl .00 USO value (important note: all percentage below will be adjusted in accordance with actual amount raised, e.g. if we sell 70M of 1 00M tokens, the following numbers will be multiplied by 0.007). 


The StealthCrypto™ Fund™ operates as part of our business model, ensuring a stable token with a bright future. It is in our best interests to ensure that the STEALTHCRYPTO™ purchasing power grows over time and market manipulation is avoided. 

A total of 200 million tokens will be issued. This is how it breaks down in dollars during planning - the actual price is subject to change:


When Will The ICO Launch

Pre Tokens Sale to start on January 28, 2018. And Public ICO will launch April 18, 2018 to May 18, 2018.

If USD $200 million is attracted (given that all the tokens will be sold out during the first two days):

We reserve the right to use some or all of the 20 percent of tokens reserved for later funding as follows:

1. To Provide Liquidity on one or more exchanges.Token Not Being Used for Liguidity will be "of the market." https://bountyhive.io/join/StealthCrypto
2. For Future Offerings.Assuming a strong initial sale,we don't plan another offering for at least theree years.If we reach our cap,we will frezee all these tokens for there years.
3. We May burn Tokens if we fell that it contributes  positively to the ecosystem.



Please Visit More Information :

Username : araalfaris

ETH : 0xD21b7600ff11bEfB00dff92252a16A2f2fdBF71a

Dbrain - Open Blockchain to Collectively Build AI Apps

Hasil gambar untuk Bounty Dbrain

What is Al ?

AI is all about data. Datasets used for machine learning are still labeled by hand, which requires a lot of effort. This creates a lot of friction: labeling quality is not guaranteed, and the initial source data is not secured.

Dbrain allows people to work together in secure, seamless, integrated processes for buying, designing, and building AI apps, from start to finish.

What Is Dbrain ?

Dbrain is an open blockchain platform that links crowdworkers and data scientists enabling them to transform raw data into real-world AI solutions.

Data scientists use the resulting datasets to train Neural Networks (NN) and build AI apps. Businesses use existing AI solutions or specify new ones to serve their particular needs.

Dbrain automates AI production and data workflow by providing efficient tools to all parties, including a web application, a Telegram bot, and a mobile app,More info here https://dbrain.io/

Blockchain technology helps us meet many of AI’s current challenges. Using the blockchain, we can confidently manage high-quality data labelling, security concerns, intellectual property rights, and international micropayments. Using existing commercial computation infrastructure allows us to build an affordable, scalable toolkit for developing and deploying AI apps.

We use blockchain protocols and an in-house cryptocurrency to power the AI production cycle. The SPOCK protocol validates data label quality, ensuring the most accurate datasets possible. The PICARD protocol ensures the security of confidential data and automatically manages relations and fair revenue distribution between stakeholders.

Dbraincoin (DBR) is an ERC-20 cryptocurrency to exchange for work, datasets, and AI app usage.
Dbrain and get a role in building Industry 4.0,Dbrain provides a secure, unified infrastructure to supercharge businesses through accessible, high-quality AI products.


Dbrain is an open blockchain platform for turning raw data into real-world AI solutions. We make AI accessible to businesses and allow anyone to earn money for their effort.

The platform automates most of the data preparation and human-in-the-loop workflow. It provides crowdworkers with a user-friendly labeling and validation tool based on a unique web application and Telegram bot. Blockchain protocols and internal cryptocurrency ensure transparency and fair revenue distribution among all stakeholders,https://whitepaper.dbrain.io/.

Blockchain and crypto

The Dbrain platform works on the Ethereum network and relies on its smart contracts. We’re building a scalable permissioned blockchain anchored to the Ethereum network via state channels. Our solution can securely process thousands of transactions per second which all involved parties can verify independently. We implement two blockchain protocols for decentralized access to our platform and an in-house cryptocurrency.

SPOCK protocol

To align the incentives of crowdworkers, validators, AI developers and dataset owners, Dbrain implements the Subjective Proof of Crowdwork Protocol (SPOCK), which automatically verifies data quality and guarantees real-time, fair and transparent billing to workers and task requesters.

All work tasks performed on the Dbrain platform require multiple validations by other random labelers. Validators either do the same work for the simplest tasks such as image classification, or confirm the correctness of complex tasks. When the majority of validators agree on the task result quality, then the original worker receives a payment and a higher rating. Workers get a lower rating and no payment for rejected tasks.

Validators who approve a bad result, if present, are punished with a significantly reduced rating. Such a system does not discourage conscientious validators from being suspicious, because when they are right, they receive a higher rating. However, it does strongly discourage validators from accepting wrong results.

With validators motivated to accept good results and even more motivated to reject bad results, the best strategy for workers is to do their best and deliver correct results,while the best strategy for validators is to accept the correct results. Such behavior is a Nash equilibrium in this contrived game and payoff matrix.

We have several requirements for our rating and task validation system to be able to process task completion and validation in real time:
  • Online calculations. We need to evaluate work results as they arrive using only data stored publicly in our Ethereum smart contracts and in our permissioned blockchain that is accessible to relevant task requesters and workers.
  • Transparency. All rating changes and billing events should be visible to task requesters and workers online.
  • Reproducibility. Calculations must be simple enough that an involved party can reproduce them independently.
  • Aligned incentives. The system should motivate workers to behave diligently and conscientiously by providing a good reward and punishment balance.
PICARD protocol

The Protocol for indirect controlled access to repository data (PICARD) protects datasets and AI applications hosted on the Dbrain platform and allows data scientists to train AI models using the datasets without downloading them, and to sell AI solutions to business clients later. The protocol allows data scientists to work on a contract basis as well as to contribute to community owned datasets and public kernels. It also allows participation in Kaggle-like competitions on openly listed challenges.

Dbraincoin (DBR)

Dbraincoin (DBR) is implemented as a standard ERC20 token. The total number of Dbraincoins in existence is fixed. We use our coins as an internal currency that participants use to pay and receive for work, data and AI application usage on the platform.


The Dbrain web application integrated with Ethereum (DApp) allows every Internet user to perform tasks, earn Crypto and withdraw it with a single click. Telegram bot for simple data labeling and task validation gives us access to crowdworker audience with the least imaginable friction. Our upcoming mobile app will provide user interface for complex tasks on smartphones and tablets and allow to collect custom data from crowdworkers,please join us bountyhive.io/join/Dbrain

Web application

The Dbrain web application integrated with Ethereum (DApp) provides an intuitive tool for data labeling and validation tasks for crowdworkers. The complex user interface allows crowdworkers to perform advanced tasks, such as image labeling for classification and regression, object annotation with bounding boxes and segmentation masks.

 Telegram bot

The Telegram Bot is ideal for simple image labeling and validation tasks. Anyone with the internet connected device can label data and get paid instantly with Dbraincoins. Smartphones are more accessible and widespread in developing countries than laptops, while internet penetration is high, which gives us an edge in accessing workers in those regions.

Mobile application

Mobile apps are a great tool to create new data — video, audio, photos, acceleration, GPS coordinates and touch input. Our app will allow any platform user to become a data provider and earn additional Dbraincoins.


Details Information : 

Website : https://dbrain.io/

Username : araalfaris

Eth Address : 0xD21b7600ff11bEfB00dff92252a16A2f2fdBF71a

Kamis, 22 Maret 2018

AirPod-Transforming Travel and Napping Industries

What is AirPod ???

AirPod Sleeping Pod (hereinafter referred to as AirPod) is a private “capsule style” unit designed
to be installed in public spaces such are: airports, hotels, railway & bus stations, shopping centers
and offices. It is an ideal solution for people who are seeking an area to relax, sleep, work,
or have fun in privacy, while still in a public place.

AirPod is full of cutting-edge technologies that enable users to undertake tasks in total privacy
and comfort while still remaining in the heart of a public or commercial space. AirPod will
encompass features to enhance the user experience such as Wi-Fi, touch screen monitor, air
condition, sound reduction technology, privacy blinds in smart glass, mood lighting and anti-stress
program visit Website : https://air-pod.io/ more information.

With AirPod sleek, ergonomic design, it could be slot into a multitude of surroundings. However,
we have made the decision to first introduce AirPod into major airport hubs. After months
of strategic analysis, the AirPod team concluded that airports are the ideal first setting to
introduce AirPods. To help pioneer this introduction, we are developing a partnership with one
of the largest companies in the business to help us facilitate the distribution within the largest
international airports around the globe.

Our mission is simple:
to improve the traveler’s experience by building a unit to Relax, Work, Sleep and Have fun in complete privacy while waiting for the next flight. AirPod team will achieve this by creating a state-of-the-art product that serves to meet the needs of the traveler while they wait at a transit hub, starting with airports. This solution will offer comfort and entertainment to the tired traveler looking to relax and unwind for a few hours.

AirPod project is entering a booming industry, with a management team that has a history of success. They have analyzed the right entry point for the market to ensure an effective pricing strategy and, crucially, a fantastic product. We are therefore very confident we will be able to implement it into all major international airports. The company believes it can become the market leader and the first choice among travelers who need and want to use such services at affordable prices.


AirPod project Stages 
AirPod product development

• Designing the first AirPod model: DONE – Various designs made by our supporting partner Kreatif Design
• Mockup: DONE - Based on drawings we built 1:1 mockup to test basic environment for the user
• Redesign: DONE - Adjustments after testing the Mockup
• Pre-production Prototype: IN PROCESS - Delivered before ICO Crowd sale
• Final product: TO BE DELIVERED - Commercial trial on the UK Airports

Our goal is to develop a product that will change the industry and a platform, the ultimate tool for monitoring and managing investment portfolio (AirPod units). This is what every member of our team is focused on every single day Whitepaper : https://air-pod.io/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/AirPod_Whitepaper_A4.pdf

The Company

The Company developing the AirPod is AirPod Technologies Limited (A trading name of Mineko Pharma & Engineering Limited) - a company incorporated in England and Wales within the European Union.

The majority of the company is owned and operated by AirPod founders Grega Mrgole and Mihael Meolic and has one of the most advanced industry teams supporting it. In addition to this team, the company has achieved strategic partnerships and working arrangements with some of the most respected names in Europe for manufacturing, design, research and development.

The AirPod Capsule

• Innovative Design offering convenience, comfort, privacy, security and superior facilities
• Space efficiency - relatively small space for installation (5,22m2)
• Comprehensive integrated high technology enhancements focused on the business traveler
• External noise reduction
• Affordable and value added product for the global traveler
• Highly mobile - can be positioned anywhere within the airport


• User friendly
• Free access to Amazon Fire TV
• Free High-speed Wi-Fi for all users
• Sound, visual and scent relaxing / anti-stress programs
• Booking via internet, IOS and Android mobile application on the spot or in advance
• Easy to use - single control operating panel
• Power sockets (USB/electricity)
• Working desk
• Luggage and personal belongings storage
• Air Condition & HEPA filter (fresh air and constant temperature)
• Alarm clock
• Flight status information
• High quality seat that can be transformed into a bed
• Self-disinfection LED system

Our token is linked directly to the company's revenue stream

APOD Token is vital fuel for AirPod renting services and AirPod platform services. With time, APOD Token will become a vital fluid of a self-sustaining economy on the AirPod platform, enabling their holders to order, reserve or “lease” (read: Sponsorship Program) AirPod services. We're confident the APOD Token will enable us to meet our objectives https://bountyhive.io/join/AirPod

Why the AirPod Crypto-Economy will succeed:

Like every economy the AirPod-Crypto-Economy is also determined by supply and demand. The core business model of the AirPod project is to grow distribution and customer base by generating revenue. The success of the revenue (demand generation) depends on the ratio of distribution and customer demand. The main goal in the AIRPOD crypto-economy is, therefore, the alignment of incentives between users and sponsors. The main driver of potential APOD token value increase lays in our technical execution after receiving FIAT payment for AirPod service:

We split the received FIAT (payment for rent): using 50% for our company costs and the remaining 50% for buying Tokens on exchange at market price and placing sell orders (sell wall) of 0.023 APOD/ETH or/and 0.0002 APOD/BTC at today's equivalent value. While the number of distributed AirPods and users will grow the frequency of Tokens we buy from the Exchange grows, as a result, the value of APOD token will automatically increase over time. This simply means that more AirPods are installed and more users are generated, the frequency of Token buyback from the exchange and placing them back at a higher price, will increase with the price of APOD Token.


Tokens will be distributed in the following method
The Total Cap of 250.000.000 APOD (100%) Tokens will be assigned:

  • Crowdsale: 200.000.000 APOD (80%)
  • Founders Fund: 30.000.000 APOD (12%)
  • Supporters & Contractors Fund: 9.000.000 APOD (3.6%)
  • Bounty campaign – up to 5.000.000 (2%)
  • Advisers, Ambassadors - 3.000.000 APOD (1.2%)
  • Company reserve - liquidity pool: 2.000.000 APOD (0.8%)
  • AirDrop - 1.000.000 APOD (0.4%)


  • 61% Production and distribution
  • 17% Marketing
  • 15% Company operations
  • 5% DAPP Platform development
  • 2% Legal


Pre-Sale Phase
Bonus 30% of Tokens will be attributed during this phase to each contributor unit we raise 2.7mil. USD

Bonus 18% of Tokens will be attributed during this phase to each contributor above soft cap, up to 140mil. APOD tokens which is pre-sale hard cap.

  • Name: Airpod token
  • Symbol: APOD
  • Token value: $0.10
  • Token type: ERC-20
  • Token issued: 250,000,000
  • Available in public token sale: up to 200,000,000

  • Start date: April 2018
  • End date: TBA
  • Token distribution date: Immediately after the crowdsale
  • Accepted currencies: ETH
  • Softcap: $2,700.000.00
  • Hard Cap: $20,000,000.00
Pre-Sale Phase
  • Up to 140.000.000 APOD (APOD tokens sold in Early Phase will be deducted from this number) will be assigned to this phase. Approx. $11.3 mil. of value will be collected in this phase
  • Phase time frame: To be announced
  • Investment min. 1 ETH; Max. Investment 300 ETH

Crowdsale Phase (ICO)
  • All unsold APOD tokens will be assigned to this phase. Up to 200,000,000 APOD tokens will sold in this phase. Tokens sold in Pre-sale Phase will be deducted from this phase.
  • Phase time frame: To be announced
  • Phase is public, open for all interested individuals (subject to KYC)

  • Grega Mrgole CEO, Co-Founder
  • Mihael Meolic COO, Co-Founder
  • Jaka Gornik Marketing Advisor
  • Jure Jakomin Bounty Manager 
  • Dejan Cerni Technical Advisor 
  • Miran Pavlic Communication Manager
  • Andrej Kregar Product Development 
  • Drago Bilic Manufacturing Process Supervisor
  • Nina Arko Graphic Designer 
  • Petra Znoj Content Creator
  • Drago Bilic Manufacturing advisor
Our Information Visit :

Username : araalfaris

ETH : 0xD21b7600ff11bEfB00dff92252a16A2f2fdBF71a