Minggu, 01 April 2018

Matchroom - Revolutionize Gaming With Blokchain

Hasil gambar untuk bounty Matchroom

What is Matchroom ???

Matchroom is the FIRST OF ITS KIND IN SOUTHEAST ASIA which is centralizing the gaming community in one platform and revolutionizing the gaming industry with blockchain technology. MatchroomTM aims to adapt blockchain technology in mitigating the various risks involved In digital transactions via tools such as Smart-contracts to operate and monitor platform functions.

Virtual Gifting (VG)

Enthusiasts and fans who desire to support their favored streamer through Matchroom can do so via the purchase of Virtual Gifts through Matchroom’s unique digital currency (MCOINS).

MCOINS can be purchased directly from the platform at predetermined prices using either traditional payment methods or MRT. Recipients of virtual gifts will then have the dollar value of the gifts recorded in their wallet (denominated in USD) to be converted into MRT (taken from the Matchroom Vault) at the receiver’s discretion which can then be resold on the open exchange.

Virtual Trading (VT)

Potential buyers looking to make highly secured transactions within the platform can only do so via MRT which they will have to purchase from the open exchange. The transactions will be governed by smart contracts and the seller shall receive the payment in full (minus our commission) as MRT upon satisfying the contract details. Sellers will then resell the MRT obtained to the open exchange, creating again cyclical waves of supply & demand.

Developer Crowdfunding (DC)

Prospective investors wanting to support the various development projects published under Matchroom will have to first purchase MRT from the open exchange before transferring the resulting tokens into a Matchroom wallet.
The sum total of tokens contributed will first be stored in the Matchroom Vault before being released gradually to the developers in phases as per the pre-designated terms and conditions.

Brand Sponsorship (BS)

Prospective sponsors wishing to support esports events through Matchroom will
have to first purchase MRT from the open exchange before transferring the resulting
tokens into a Matchroom wallet.

The Matchroom Token Ecosystem

The Matchroom token ecosystem will be driven primarily by the four main platform features details in the diagrams below.Usage of these features will involve users purchasing MRT and content providers operating within our platform selling MRT in order to cash-out.


Token Sale Timeline

ICO Pre Sale​ : 28th February 2018 4.00pm GMT+8. Pre sale will conclude on the
15th of March, 2018.

Tokens purchase during this period will be given a bonus of 30% MR Tokens.

ICO Main Sale​ : 15th of March 2018 4.00pm GMT+8. Main sale will conclude on the
15th of May, 2018.

1,000,000,000 (1 billion ) MR Tokens will be created with a value of USD0.02 cents

50% of the MR Tokens will be offered to eligible investors through the ICO. 20% will
be allotted to the Matchroom founders, 15% will be alloted to Advisors and Partners,
and the final 15% will be kept as reserve or bonuses.

ETH is the currency used to subscribe to the MR Tokens.

The minimum transaction amount is 0.01 ETH during the Main-Sale, with no
maximum transaction amount in place; while the minimum transaction amount is 1
ETH during the Pre-Sale (with a 30% bonus). Soft cap is set to USD 1,500,000. 

The ICO funds will be used as follows:

Development of the Matchroom Platform - 40%
a. Product Enhancement
b. Blockchain Application
c. Mobile Application

User Growth Marketing and Promotion - 30%
a. Market Expansion
b. Collaborations with Influencers
c. Sponsorships & Events

Operations - 30%
a. Server Infrastructure
b. Network & Technical Maintenance
c. On-ground Presence



  • Anthony Lau - CEO, SQ2Fintech Pte Ltd (Platform Advisor)
  • Ronald Aai - CTO, SQ2Fintech Pte Ltd (Blockchain and Technology Advisor) 
  • Kenneth Tan - Co-Founder & COO - Pinnacle Digital (FundYourselfNow) (ICO Advisor)
  • Fayyaz Hussain - Consultant
  • Dhillon Kannabhiran - Internet Security & al Advisor
For more details, Visit the following link:

Username : araalfaris

Eth Address : 0xD21b7600ff11bEfB00dff92252a16A2f2fdBF71a

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